Enlightened career in photography

Two roads diverged in a wood
& I chose the one less traveled
& that has made all the difference

Gone are the days when there were only a limited number of professions to choose from. Engineering, Medicine, Law, Govt. services topped the list and photography was not even considered as an hobby.Slowly, with the advent of the digital cameras, photography came out of the closed walls of the studio and started getting a good exposure.

What used to take hours of labour pain in the lab room to have the first glimpse of your baby(read your photographs) and the feeling of that excitement of holding the photograph smiling at you; well that feeling is still there but probably the labour pain has now been replaced by cesarian( read the LCD display)' the advantage of seeing a live view of your picture composition.

What has not changed over the years is the passion, dedication and love for photography that has transformed many a artist to paint the canvas of the print into a mesmerizing picture; picture that stand still; picture that takes your breath away.

Yes Photography has beaten the conventional profession and has made its way in the professional world! All you need is the unwavering determination and the fire of passion to keep the flame burning. After all its Photography is all about lighting!


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