100 things about photography random(will add as I get more ideas)

1.Get up early to get some good shots. You will also meet some interesting people & get some good chai & hot local breakfast.
2.Travel light sometimes, maybe even with just a normal lens and get some interesting shots by walking closer to the subject and making the background blur by selective focus, which other lenses do not allow.
3.Act like an amateur, even if you a big pro to get some good candid people shots.
4.Carry lots of chocolates, candies for kids as giveaways and they will pose for you and get you more people to pose for you.
5.The best transport is walking
6.Always carry written flash cards of tips & tricks to freshen up your memory, in case you encounter any difficulty in shooting or need to go thru a checklist.
7.Never delete pix on the spot.
8.Do not overcharge batteries.
9.Carry a model release form for signing if you intend to use people/property photos for endorsements.
10.Carry an address book and try to deliver hard copies to your subjects, whenever possible. It will increase your value.
11.If possible print it then & there & deliver it. Now-a-days it is possible with mini thermal printers.
12.The best time is now
13.The expression of the eyes is everything
14.In digital 1st shoot then think, just like a photojournalist.
15.Don’t shoot too many pictures, just because you have a digital camera. It becomes difficult while editing. It’s ok if you are covering an event or sport.
16.If you do not know the language, smile & they will smile back.
17.Know your camera like your wife/lover.
18.Digital cameras cannot think always. Like film cameras they too need post production by way of softwares to make the skies saturated etc.
19.Always carry a small compass. It helps to plan & shoot better pictures.
20.Studying laws of composition is fine, but when it comes down to you must trust your eye
21.The number one reason why people miss good pictures is because they don't have a camera. Make it a habit to always carry a camera with you, because you never know what you could miss


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