50 Tips on Photography for rank beginners

                                                                 50 best tips on photography
1.       Just start shooting 1st with whatever you have. Do not worry about camera. Even if you have a smart phone it is ok.

2.       Learn to hold the camera properly.

3.       Always remember the best camera is the one that you have with you.
4.       Start sending the images to photographers, friends for feedback & do not worry about any negative feedback. In fact negative feedback is better than no feedback at all.

5.       Join groups, photo walks, workshops, discussions, in your area, town, many of them maybe free. 

6.        Meet photographers, chat with them, online or personally. Most of them will be happy to share their experiences & knowledge with you.

7.       Start making prints of images you like & display them for more comments from all kinds of people, so that you will know more about your images & also how people think about photography. Also when you look at your images over & over again you will notice lot of things that can be improved upon.

8.       Shoot subjects you really like. It can be anything. Do not feel shy. Shoot people, dogs, cats, buildings, markets, flowers, butterflies, food anything.
9.       Do your own Photo walk on weekends in a select place, where there is scope of good activity or a place of your interest?
10.   Sometime just shoot first then think. You can get some surprisingly good shots & will start improving in this style too.
11.   The expression of the eyes is everything

12.   The best time is now. Never wait for the right camera, moment, lens, place, person etc.

13.   Note the addresses of the people you are shooting & deliver hard copies to them, if you can afford carry a portable printer & print on the spot
14.   Carry model release forms, if you are planning to sell the people or property images & take signatures.
15.   Do not over charge batteries
16.   Never delete images on the spot. But do not hesitate to delete in the system the bad ones ruthlessly.
17.   Carry flash cards of photo tips for reference
18.   The best transport is walking for a photographer. Get down from your car, bike or whatever transport & discover things up close.

19.   Carry lot of candies for kids & they will pose for you & get you more models

20.   Study paintings for their compositions, color, style, & it will help you tremendously in improving your photography skills & also your patience levels
21.   Psychology is more important than technique in people photography. Make people comfortable, talk to strangers before you start pointing your camera at them. Wear a good smile always & see the magic in your people images.

22.   Respect people’s privacy & feelings while shooting
23.   Never be scared to shoot
24.   See beauty in everything & magic will unfold

25.   Get up early & start shooting
26.   Everyone has an opinion. Do not worry about negative feedback. Look at your images neutrally.
27.   Bad weather, bad light & bad conditions are a blessing in disguise. The best images have been shot in extreme conditions. But don’t risk your lives for images. Take it easy. If you are there & lucky, shoot. You might come up with some Magic.

28.   As in life there are no mistakes in photography, only lessons
29.   If you like to make money, carry your visiting card with you always
30.   Shooting vertical is known as Portrait mode & horizontal mode is known as Landscape mode, so shoot in both modes for a different perspective.
31.   Always be alert & discreet when shooting candid images
32.   Don’t pack up your camera until you have reached back home

33.   You should be happy shooting & enjoy your images. Do not try to please anyone.
34.   The camera is just an extension of your vision
35.   Keep your photos organic, don’t overdo techno stuff, which is trendy
36.   Most important is the ability to observe & make an image in your mind. Camera comes later & also automatically
37.   Shoot even the most mundane things. Shoot them in a normal way then go for the creative.
38.   Do not use the digital zoom ever in the camera as it creates pixilation.
39.   Get Up Early. The best times to shoot landscapes, portraits (outdoors), flowers etc. is up to 2 hours after sunrise & just 2 hours before sunset. My experience shows early mornings as better than evenings especially for winters & hill stations as we can capture the fog, people & animals in their best moods. Also while shooting landscapes include some foreground elements like an arch, branch of a tree to frame the picture

40.   Always try to use natural light as much as possible, but use flash outdoors for filling in shadows
41.   Use tripod for long exposures or when taking extreme tele images
42.   Travel light
43.   A portrait with a smile is always a winner
44.   You can do lot of things with photography. Have Fun, Make money, Document things, Make Art, Spread Happiness & Maybe all at once
45.   Some photographers hide their insecurities behind heavy techno knowledge. Be wary of them. You just need the basic rules of photography & an artistic eye. With some practice you are on. Remember this tip
46.   Just like in any hobby or profession, you may not be able to take great or good pictures initially or even after you gather some experience. Do not give up. Keep shooting. The more you shoot & analyze yourself, the more progress you make.
47.   Study & Use Light Properly. Early morning & late afternoon light is good for portraits, landscapes, architecture, and nature. Hazy/ Cloudy light is good for portraits, architecture, and nature. Side harsh lighting is good to bring about texture in the subject like wrinkles in an old person. In the same way soft hazy light is good to flatter a good-looking woman with a glowing skin.

48.   Don’t shoot what it looks like. Shoot what it feels like.”
David Alan Harvey… Famous words by an American photographer & I totally agree with him. Try to show your feeling in the photograph, little by little. Even if you succeed by 1% that is a great achievement.
49.   Photography being an art form, turns out to be a great way of communication. Many times, a picture describes an emotion better than an individual itself. It depends on how creative you can be with what you have. If you use strong visual elements, the photo can be more appealing and practical to the viewer. Use colors, lights, objects, and shapes to fill the details and bring a texture to the image. It will help to showcase your visuals in a very effective way.
50.   Shoot in auto mode then go for the techno stuff later as you start your journey, as I said earlier….Shoot First: Think Later---ENJOY
Cheers & Happy Shooting


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