Flash outdoors?

Yes using flash outdoors in daylight!
This may sound surprising, but there are various advantages & good things about using flash in daylight.
You may have seen in film shootings, lights & reflectors being used even in broad daylight.
Due to heavy schedules, date problems they need to shoot through out the day. They cannot wait for ideal lighting conditions always so they have create the same with reflectors, lights even in broad daylight.
Same thing applies to us. We too travel & go places. It is not possible to reach a place at the right time every time.
Also we do not have the luxury of Lights, reflectors & assistants.
Even if we had, we would lose our privacy, it will add to our cost & most importantly lose the fun of spontaneity
 So what do we amateurs do? What do we have?
We Have the most powerful & Jamesbondish weapon  
The built in flash.
So what does it do? How can it help improve our outdoor photography?
Flash in Daylight acts as fill in light especially when you are shooting during noon times or against the light or even in overcast light conditions.
The advantages are
1.     Shadows under the eyes, nose, and chin get filled up
2.     You will get uniform detail when shooting against the light, say around 3 ‘0 clock  & you need to have that particular scene in the background
3.     You will also get nice hair light with some practice & luck
4.     Your subject also brightens up on a cloudy day or in the shade
5.     It also adds a sparkle in the eye like a catch light
6.     If somebody is wearing a hat it will light up his/her face
7.     Also most importantly people will come to know that their picture has been clicked
8.     Even if you shoot in ideal lighting conditions, fill in flash will act as second light to soften the shadows & give your images the pro look
Try it next time and see the results for yourself.


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