How to get shot by a Top Gun

Should I wear a bright colored suit? What color shoes shall I get along with it? What about jewelry? And makeup, Hairstyling?Props? Oh so many questions are asked by models, matrimonial aspirants. But they forget to ask the most basic question.

What kind of attitude to wear? What is the best time to shoot? How do I prepare for the shoot?

Hey these questions were never asked of me before. I just posed in front of the camera and click click click. We got some good pictures. Good, but not great or out of this world. If you want outstanding and classy pictures you as a subject need to do some homework as well. OK, here goes your checklist of things to do before you take an appointment with the portrait photographer.

1. Know when you look your best & confident. Most of the time this is after you had a good night's sleep or a good nap in the afternoon. The idea here to look fresh in the face and mentally too, so that it shows in the pictures. As they say pictures never lie. Then make a point to arrive fresh at the studio. If possible hire a cab and do not drive yourself during peak traffic time. Listen to some good sooting music. Whatever makes you feel relaxed & cool.

2. Before the actual shoot practice in front of the mirror as if you are actually shooting or if you need professional help you can come to the photo studio and take some tips from the photographer and practise at home. We can provide you with a posing sheet which can used by you to copy the styles at home. Howwzat?

3. Also smile a lot, not only with the lips but also with the eyes. In fact watch loads of comedy shows to improve your laughter quotient.

So now you know the secrets of great actors & models. Why they look so cool in photographs. You too can with some extra effort. All the best.


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